A Governess for the Gloomy Duke (Preview)


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Chapter One

“Hannah!” Gemma could hardly contain her excitement as she rushed into the London city tavern, desperate to see her best friend. She had great news bubbling at the surface, and she truly could not wait to share it with someone else. If she did not get the information out soon, she feared she might explode. “Hannah, you must stop what you are doing immediately.”

Unfortunately, her best friend did not seem to see how serious this was. Hannah rolled her eyes from behind the smokey bar and continued to serve the gentleman who had clearly already had one too many.

“I just need to speak with you,” Gemma begged, almost chuckling to herself as she said the words. She just knew that Hannah would be excited for her, and she could not wait to jump for joy with her. “Just for one moment.”

“You know I cannot,” Hannah insisted while making a sweeping gesture with her hands, indicating around to how busy it was. “We have a rowdy crowd, and it is dinner time. I am much too busy to stop.”

But that was not going to be enough for Gemma. She really could not control herself. So as Hannah left her space from behind the bar, weaving her way through the crowds to gather up glasses and plates for reuse, Gemma took the chance as soon as they were clean, to follow her around. She even assisted Hannah by gathering up used tableware herself to give Hannah a hand. This was something that she had done numerous times in her life; she and Hannah always helped one another out, so it was not an issue.

“Hannah, I have received a letter!” Gemma called out, as she followed as close to Hannah as she could. It was not easy to be heard over the noise already ricocheting off the walls of the tavern, but Gemma was utterly determined. “I have been invited to interview for the governess position at the Hetshire household, which is just outside of the city. Finally, at eighteen, my dreams are about to come true.”

Finally, Hannah stopped walking for the briefest of moments. Her eyes widened as she grabbed hold of Gemma and dragged her into a small alcove so they could talk more privately. “Gemma, what do you mean? You cannot be a governess. That sort of work is only offered to Ladies, of which we are most certainly not.”

Gemma smirked and shrugged. “I might have fudged my application a little, but why should I not? I would be perfect for such a job. Why should I be overlooked simply because I was not born with a title?”

Hannah clucked her tongue and shook her head. “But you will not look like a Lady. They will be able to tell…”

Gemma rested her hand reassuringly on her friend’s shoulder. “I have worked as a seamstress for years, Hannah. I have already made a proper governess dress for this interview. There is no way anyone will be able to tell that I do not fit in. Are you not pleased for me?”

Hannah smiled grimly. “I just find it challenging to believe that everything will be alright. This seems terrifying…”

Her words trailed off the moment a glass smashed on the floor and raised voices tumbled through the air. It was clearly going to be a very long night, and Hannah’s eyes were already pricking with tears. She must have had enough.

“Do not worry,” Gemma reassured her. “You get back behind the bar. I will sort this out.”

Hannah slumped forwards, exhaustion rolling through her body. “Thank you, Gemma. If anyone can calm this down, it is you.”

Gemma was still riding the high of her very good news as she practically skipped into the middle of the crowd. Everyone was standing around two red faced men who were yelling so loudly in one another’s faces, spittle was flying out their mouths. If allowed to go on much longer, it was bound to get violent and that was something Hannah clearly did not need. Not when she was this tired.

“Gentlemen, what is happening here?” Gemma cried out. At first, she was ignored, which she knew was likely to happen, so she cried out a little louder as she stepped between them. “Is there an issue with the beer? I am sure that this is something we can sort out.”

She and Hannah had lived above the tavern for such a long time, that Gemma was very used to drunken patrons. Too much alcohol never worked well, especially when it came to men. They could not seem to hold their liquor at all, and they got silly with it.

“Would you like me to pour the both of you a new beer? Would that calm things down?”

Both the men turned their eyes towards Gemma, causing her to smile widely. It only took one person to be calm to halt things before they got out of control. At least, that was what Gemma had discovered over the years.

“This idiot knocked my beer on the floor,” the bearded man growled. “And now he is refusing to buy me a new one.”

“I did not knock anything anywhere,” the other gentleman yelled as he threw his hands in the air in frustration. “I do not know why I am the one being accused. I was over there talking with my friend, when you came yelling at me like a mad man.”

“I saw you do it…”

“It does not matter,” Gemma insisted as she stepped in the middle of them. There was absolutely no reason for the row to escalate again. “Nothing matters now. I will make sure that you both get another beer. Please, just take your seats and I will be back shortly.”

The men continued to glare at one another, but they did back away thank goodness. Gemma let out a breath of relief as she watched them both follow her instructions. For now, at least, they were going to leave one another alone. Gemma knew that she did not have long though, so she rushed to the bar and asked Hannah to pour the drinks for those men quickly.

“You cannot just give these men drinks for free,” Hannah hissed as a redness burned in her cheeks. “I will get in so much trouble with my boss.”

Gemma chuckled. “It is much better to calm the situation down. Free beer does not cost as much as lost patrons. Plus, think about all the damage caused by bar fights. I am sure that if your boss thought sensibly about it, he would agree that this is the right move.”

Perhaps Hannah did not look convinced by Gemma, but thankfully she also knew that Gemma had never led her wrong before, so she poured the beers and let her friend do what was best. Gemma had always had a knack for calming things down before they spiraled out of control. There was something about her personality which just seemed to draw people in and get them to act like she wanted them to.

Because of that, Gemma stayed with Hannah, working in the tavern with her, keeping everything calm and under control. Hannah had clearly been working far too many shifts recently, just trying to keep her head above water, so she needed the assistance. Luckily, with her good news bubbling under the surface, Gemma had all the strength and energy in the world. She could help Hannah out all night long.

Thankfully, it was not too long before they wearily climbed up the stairs to their small apartment. The space was so tiny Gemma and Hannah had to share a bed. But it was far better than where they had come from, so neither of them would complain.

“What a night!” Hannah exclaimed as she flopped down on to the bed, acting like it was the most comfortable thing on the planet. “Thank you so very much for helping me, Gemma. I do not know what I would do without you.”

“Well, hopefully you will not have to work so hard soon,” Gemma agreed as she climbed on to the bed beside her friend. “Because I will be getting higher wages with the governess position.”

“Assuming you are hired,” Hannah reminded her. “It is only an interview.”

“I am confident.” Gemma rolled on to her front and grinned ear to ear. “I will be able to charm the family and convince them to hire me. And then we shall be able to afford a much better life. We will no longer have to live in this tiny space. We can get a place of our own, with our own bedrooms and everything!”

Hannah was not getting caught up in Gemma’s enthusiasm. Her eyes betrayed a deep warning as she shuddered. “Be careful, Gemma. I am very worried about you going into a world that you do not belong. I am concerned about you being discovered for who you really are and getting into a lot of trouble. I cannot even begin to imagine what would happen to you if you get found out.”

But Gemma was not about to get worried. “I will be fine. I shall ensure that all of my tracks are covered. I am doing this for us… well, us and my dream. You know I have always wanted to become a governess.”

Hannah lightened up just a little as she chuckled. “I know. I recall your dream. Do not forget that me and the other children in the orphanage spent years of our recess being your students. Learning, whether we wanted to or not. Mind you, you were always the best teacher, Gemma. We did always end up having fun.”

“Much as I do miss some of the friends we had at the orphanage, you are the one I always knew I would be friends with for life,” Gemma chuckled. “We were there for much longer than anyone else, and we were also the only ones looking to the future and thinking about what we could do with our lives… me as a teacher…”

“And me as owner of my own tavern,” Hannah laughed. “Although I do not know if I will ever achieve that dream. I am not sure if I will ever get beyond being the mere bar maid that everyone yells at and occasionally throws their drink over.”

Gemma grabbed Hannah’s hand and stared at her very seriously. They had both been in the orphanage from a very young age, Gemma was too young to even recall her parents who she had been told died from smallpox, so her best friend was the closest thing she had to a family. “You do not need to worry, Hannah. It does not matter where our lives began. We are going to end up successful, me and you. I am confident that we will both achieve our dreams. I will get this job and become a governess in the Hetshire household, and you will one day be the best tavern owner of all time.”

Gemma could see how much her words cheered Hannah up and made her feel better about everything. But that was not the only reason she said it. Gemma truly believed that she and Hannah were going to get far in life. She refused to accept that her humble beginnings meant that she needed to have a humble life as well. As she nestled into her friend, allowing her imagination to get the better of her, she could not stop herself from dreaming of what her life could be… what it was going to be.

This governess job was just the first step on the ladder for the rest of her life. She could act like a Lady while in the Hetshire house, that would be no issue. As soon as the family saw her teaching skills and how well she could relate to anyone, including the children, Gemma was sure that even if everything fell apart and the truth was found out, then they would be so happy with her work, none of that would matter.

Whatever it took, she was going to make this work for her.

Chapter Two 

“Here you go, Rif,” the bar maid said with a wink as she handed Cole his drink. “And this one is for you, Raf.”

Cole Rifton, the new Duke of Hetfield, had always been best friends with Damian Rafferty, and it had been such a long time that he truly could not recall the moment everyone started referring to them as Rif and Raf. It felt like forever, and it seemed to be everyone who called them that. Even the bar staff at their favorite gentleman’s club. 

Usually, Cole was in such a good mood that he adored the nicknames. He liked everyone knowing who he was, but tonight, and over the last few weeks, he had been struggling to smile about anything. Having his whole life turned on its head in just one night was hard for him to come back from.

“Hey, Rif, have you been through your brother’s things yet?” Damian asked as he sipped his drink. It seemed that much as Cole was trying to hide what was going on inside his mind, his best friend could sense it. Damian knew exactly what was on Cole’s mind. “Have you had a chance?”

Cole’s shoulders felt heavy as he shook his head no. “I cannot bring myself to do it yet. Everything has changed since Gareth and his wife died and I am merely trying to survive and get through each day.” He sighed. “I was never planning on being the duke myself, that was always Gareth’s job. I also never thought that I would become a parent to my nephew, but there is no one else to care for Benjamin.”

It had just been a normal day, three months prior, even the weather was boring and there was nothing happening. Cole could not have been less prepared for the bomb shell that was about to drop on him. The news that his brother, who he had always been extremely close to, and his beloved sister-in-law had been killed during a highway robbery had floored him. And at that moment, he was not even thinking of what was to come next.

He was trying his hardest to adjust to his new, very complicated life. He’d had to move out of his city apartment, back into the family home, and had been forced to take on all the responsibilities that Gareth was supposed to have,

And he honestly did not know what he would have done without Damian. Cole’s best friend had been over to the house to visit almost every single day to play with Benjamin and to assist them both. By the time he really did need to go through Gareth’s things, Cole knew that Damian would be there for him.

Yet even with that knowledge, Cole had not yet worked up the courage to do it.

“Perhaps you need to forget about all of this for a while,” Damian offered kindly. “It has been a long time since we have let loose and had a good time. Rif and Raf have always been known for causing trouble and having a good time. Should we not do that? Maybe even tonight?”

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making Cole laugh a little. “I do not think tonight is a good idea.”

“What excuse could you possibly have for not having fun with me tonight? I cannot think of any reason for us not to go wild.”

Cole huffed once more. He had yet another task that he did not want to complete, early in the morning, but it was a necessary evil. If he did not get some help, he would not be able to handle Benjamin and do the best for him. “I have to hire a governess early tomorrow. That is something I am going to have to have a clear head for.”

Thankfully, Damian nodded understandingly. “I see. I suppose you do want to have the best person in charge of your nephew. But once you get some assistance with Benjamin, surely then we can go out to have fun, right? You can finally let loose because you will have a lot less to worry about.”

Cole nodded, even though he was not sure if that was the truth or not. At that point, he did not know if he would ever get back to where he could live a fun carefree life once more. That truly felt like it was well out of his reach. The moment his brother died, a part of his life died as well. Going out and letting loose with Raf did not feel like something he would ever be able to do.

He supposed he’d had six and twenty years of being carefree, and it was time to take things more seriously.

“For now, I will just have this one drink,” Cole told Damian seriously. “Then we will think about having fun yet another time.”

It did not take too long for Cole to finish his drink. The night was over for him, but Damian looked like he had a lot of partying left in him. So Cole said a farewell to him and climbed into the carriage to head back home. Back to his life and all of his responsibilities.

Their father only focused on teaching Gareth how to be a duke as they were growing up. He did not think that he needed to worry about Cole, which left him now with nothing to work with. He did not know a thing about being an heir to his brother’s life, which only made it so much harder to do a good job. Cole wanted to make his family proud, but he was not sure how to.

Most of all, Cole wanted to raise Benjamin well. He had always adored his nephew and they got along well, but he most certainly did not know how to raise him. He wanted him to grow up a fine gentleman with all the knowledge he needed to be an adult. He wanted Benjamin to have the best life possible, especially without his parents. It was not going to be easy, but Cole was determined to do it.

The only problem was he did not know how.

With a bit of luck, this new governess would assist him in every way, helping Benjamin to smile once more.

Cole was not sure how to feel as he stepped inside his home. He felt like there were ghosts clinging to the walls, throughout the whole building. Hauntings which led him right to his brother’s study. The study that also belonged to his father before he passed away too. A room that he was never supposed to inherit. 

As he sat in the chair where his family sat before him, grief hit him hard. Losing his parents was one thing, but he was never supposed to lose his brother. He and Gareth were supposed to navigate life together, overcoming issues and having fun until they were old in age. 

His heart felt heavy as he reached out to the desk, running his fingers over the letters and some paperwork that had been left for him to sort through. Although likely not on purpose. Seeing his father’s handwriting was one thing, but having Gareth’s right in front of him was quite another. Cole knew that this was something he needed to read through eventually, but he could not do it right then.

Not with tears in his eyes as the grief caught up with him.

What was that? Cole rapidly brushed the tears away as he spotted a shadow creeping across the wall. His heart skipped a beat as he tried to find the source of the movement. It was probably nothing, but the fear of haunting gripped his chest tightly.


But it was nothing.

Benjamin sleepily padded his way through the study, which was likely something he had done a million times before, searching for his dad. Cole’s heart twisted angrily as it hit him again that would never happen again. Much as Cole was grieving the loss of his brother, and his sister-in-law too, it had to be so much worse for his nephew. In the blink of an eye, Benjamin had lost his parents in one go, which had to be devastating. At only eight years of age, how much did he even understand?

“Hey, Benji, come here,” Cole said warmly, trying to hide the sadness from his voice. “I am here.”

Benjamin climbed on to Cole’s lap and clung to him, wrapping his arms tightly around him. “I… I had a bad dream,” he muttered. “I am worried about a new governess. I want the lessons to be just the two of us. I much prefer it when it is just us.”

If only this was something that Cole could do. With all of his new responsibilities, he did not have the time in the day to give to Benjamin. But this pleading really did pull at his heart strings. “You know I will be there as much as I can, Benji. I will drop in to your lessons every single day so we can learn together.” He smiled reassuringly at Benjamin. “I will not pick a mean, scary old lady as your governess. I will make sure she is kind and fun to be around for you. I will ensure that she is someone that you can have a good time with.”

“Are you sure?”

As Benjamin’s eyes met his, Cole felt a small glimmer of happiness in the mess of the situation that he found himself in. As horrible as it was to lose his Gareth and his wife, at least he had his nephew with him. They could lean on one another somewhat.

“I am very sure. I will make sure she is someone that we both like.”

Benjamin still had terror dancing in his eyes, but he nodded, trusting his uncle. Cole was well aware that he was all Benjamin had, that it was no surprise that his nephew trusted him because there was no one else. All Cole worried about was holding up his end of the bargain, making sure that Benjamin had a good life.

“Will you tell me a story?” Benjamin asked. “About my father?”

Cole was just about to tell his nephew that he would tell the story once Benjamin was back in bed, but the mention of his father tightened Cole’s throat. The only way that Benji was going to learn about his father now was through Cole himself. These stories would be the only thing that kept Gareth alive.

“Well, me and my brother, your father, used to have a lot of fun in this very house when we were close to your age.” Cole smiled to himself as he thought about the good times. “We used to play hide and seek out in the bushes out there. I always thought that I was so much better at the game than Gareth, until one day he hid so well that I simply could not find him. I looked for hours and hours. I even started to get worried. The last thing I wanted to do was tell our parents what had happened in case they blamed me. I convinced myself it was my fault that he had disappeared… at least until I heard him calling my name. Shouting for me, but I still could not find him. Relief quickly turned to concern when I still could not find him… but there he was, in the tree above me, teasing me from a place I could not climb to…”

Cole’s words trailed off the moment he felt Benjamin slump in his arms. The boy had drifted off to sleep while Cole was telling the story. That was probably a good thing. It was far better for him to sleep than to be suffering from nightmares. But he still felt a little guilty as he carried Benjamin up the stairs to bed because he knew that it was unlikely he would ever be enough for this poor boy. He would never be his parents.

Much as he would try and do everything that he could for Benjamin, chances were he would always be sad. Always plagued by what happened. 

Chapter Three

Excitement flooded through Gemma as she traveled by carriage to Hetshire House, where her dreams were about to become true forever. The building was beautiful. She loved the way it stood tall, its red bricks jutting up towards the sky as it surrounded itself with luscious gardens that seemed to stretch on as far as the eye could see.

Gemma had woken up confident, full of happiness and determination, knowing that her life was about to improve from this moment onwards. As long as she shone like the star she knew she could be, and proved herself to be the best governess this family had ever seen.

As she reached the front door of the home, an older lady exited the house looking like she was just coming away from an interview of her own, her stern expression greeting Gemma first. A shiver tore down Gemma’s spine because she’d heard of tutors like that. Teachers who seemed to have an incredible dislike for children, despite choosing to work with them, and who never wanted young people to have fun. Gemma would never become this person if she did achieve her goal of becoming a governess. When she used to play teacher in the orphanage, she saw that others learned better when they enjoyed what they were studying, and they were allowed to have fun.

Gemma knew that if she was given the chance, she would be the best teacher ever.

Eventually, she was shown to an office room where an official looking gentleman sat staring out the window, with his back to her, with his shoulders slumped forwards. Gemma was not sure what it was about him, but he had a strange aura about him. Something that she had never seen before.

“Good morning,” she said in a clipped, bright tone. “It is nice to meet you. My name is Miss Gemma Casely…”

She took a seat, discomfort flooding her veins. Achieving her dreams was not supposed to feel like this.

“Thank you for coming, Miss Casely,” the man replied in a very bored sounding tone. But it was more than that. He seemed to have the weight of the world pressing down on him, which intrigued Gemma. What on earth was happening? “What education do you have for this position? What work experience do you have that can help you with this position? What lesson do you consider most important?”

He was definitely fed up with interviewing. He had reeled off those questions without even giving her a chance to answer. But if that was some kind of trick, then Gemma was not about to be fooled. She could answer all of those questions, even if she had to be a little evasive with the truth. But she did not feel guilty about lying because she did not have a chance otherwise, simply because of the family that she was born in to.

Gemma did not think that was fair, so she would do whatever it took to overcome that.

“I have a standard education, the same as everyone else,” she said carefully as she brushed down her skirts. “And I have worked for many years teaching children in an orphanage.” At least that was almost the truth. “And as for lessons… I believe everyone is different. Every child is unique, and they will grow up to be an individual when they are an adult. Since everyone is good at something but not necessarily good at everything, our education should reflect that. Especially if we want to get the best out of them.” She sucked in a sharp breath, not sure if this was something she should say. But it was important to her, so this was something she needed to be understood. “I also think that it is more about how we learn, rather than what is most important. I have to make learning entertaining and fun if anything will sink in.”

Much to her surprise, the gentleman twisted around in his chair. “I did not expect you to be so young…”

But Gemma could not answer that. His eyes had locked in on hers and she was in shock. This had to be the most handsome man that she had ever laid eyes on. He had dark, mussed up hair, and deep green eyes that seemed to bore deep into her soul. It was almost as if he could already see sides of her that she did not normally show easily.

As long as he did not fathom the truth about her upbringing, then she did not mind. Right now, that was the only thing keeping her going.

It was not just her own feelings getting the better of her. It was the sensation that there seemed to be something zipping between them. An undeniable instant shift in the air between them. It was almost as if all the air in the room had been pulled away.

“I might be young,” Gemma finally managed to reply confidently. “But I am very well experienced. As I said, I have been working with children and teaching them for my whole life. My work has led me to see what works best for children.”

She hoped that she was selling herself well. That this man would want her more than someone like the elderly lady who had left the house before. She might have years of experience on her, and maybe even the right birth right as well, but Gemma knew that she would be so much better than any of them. She just needed someone like this gentleman to take a chance on her.

But right then, the man’s eyes had darkened, and she could not read what was going on underneath the surface. He seemed to be internally struggling. If only she knew what had him worried, then she could put his mind at ease. She could let him know that he most definitely wanted to work with her. Gemma twisted her hands around in knots as she waited desperately for him to speak out again. The silence was killing her, but truth be told she did not know what else to say. She did not know how to defend herself when she was not sure what the issue was.


The whole day had been a challenge. It was far harder to interview governesses than Cole thought it would be, especially with his promise to Benjamin ricocheting through his mind. He had sworn that he would make sure that whoever he hired would be fun, and make life better for his nephew. Only it was not that straight forward. None of them had seemed to have had anything appealing about them, nothing that Benjamin was going to like…

At least until the blonde-haired beauty with piercing blue eyes walked into his study. He had not been expecting someone so young and beautiful to walk into his office. Someone who without even trying had made his mouth run dry.

She was completely different, and likely to be someone that Benjamin would love, because she was most certainly not cold and unfeeling, like the other women who had walked into his office. She seemed approachable, sweet, and fun. But more than that, she sent tingles of excitement flowing through Cole’s veins. He could not take his eyes off her however hard he tried.

“I would actually like to know more about who I will be teaching,” Miss Casely continued with a dazzling smile. “So I can get an idea of who I will be working with.”

It was really quite a small gesture, asking about Benji. But it was not something that any of the other governess’s had done, so Cole was incredibly impressed. It showed just how much she cared about getting this job. How much she cared about who she would be teaching.

“He is a lovely boy, with a big heart who likes having fun. But I must be honest with you, he has been through a lot recently. Things that have hindered him somewhat.”

“Oh, I am so sorry!” She cocked her head to one side curiously. “What has he been through?”

Cole only felt confident answering because the woman had experience with children who had been through a lot in their lives. She had been working in an orphanage, so she might have just the right experience. “His parents, my brother, the late Duke of Hetfield and my sister-in-law, were recently killed.”

It felt horrible saying that aloud to someone who did not know about the murder. Again, it made it feel far more real in ways that Cole was not anticipating. The more he discussed Gareth’s death, the more he needed to accept that this was his future now.

But Miss Casely responded in a way that he was truly not expecting. She reached out across the desk and took his hand in comfort. An action not usually taken by Ladies. But Cole had to admit that he liked the sensation of her skin grazing over his. She was warm, and electricity burning brightly between them. Cole did not want this moment to end, especially with the way that she was looking at him with wide, surprised eyes like she felt it too. She was sinking into this phenomenal sensation as well.

Her piercing blue eyes spoke volumes. There were lots of emotions dancing behind her gaze and all Cole wanted to do was dive in, to learn more about her. Everything actually, she was surprisingly fascinating. Questions floated around in his brain, as did the desire to close the gap between them, but he knew that was not the right thing to do.

But while he could not do that, he knew there was one thing he could do.

“I would like to hire you, Miss Casely,” he declared as a smile crept up on his lips. There was just something about her that made him endlessly confident that she was the right hire. She would be the perfect mother figure and governess to his poor nephew. “But before you agree to the job, I think it might be a good idea for you to meet Benjamin.”

“You want me?” she whispered as she bit down on her bottom lip.

Something about those words spiked intense desire within him. Was he imagining the naughtiness inside of her? Or was her mind drifting in the same way as his? Was she asking him if he wanted her? Because if that was the question then there was only one answer. Of course he wanted her. He would have loved nothing more than to peel that pretty, plain dress off her body, to see the paleness of her skin underneath, to taste her all over to see if she really was sweet…

But he was about to become her boss, so of course that was completely off the table. He was going to very much have to keep his hands to himself.

He coughed awkwardly and nodded. “Yes, I think you will be the perfect person for the job.”

A heat burned in her cheeks, turning her red as she smiled gratefully. “Then I cannot wait to meet the young boy that I will be working with.”

As she rose to her feet, Cole found his heart hammering hard against his rib cage. There was a nervous energy bubbling in the pit of his stomach that he had never experienced before. It was a feeling he did not know what to do with. How on earth was he going to cope with her in his home when she made him feel so many things all at once? He was really going to have to find a way to keep his emotions in check around her. For Benjamin’s sake.

Especially if he ended up getting along well with her and wanted to keep her around. Benji had been unfortunate enough to lose far too many people in his life, Cole could not be the reason that he lost someone else just because he had a flickering of desire for this woman. A flicker than had an intense promise to become a roaring flame, if he allowed it.

“A Governess for the Gloomy Duke” is an Amazon Best-Selling novel, check it out here!

Gemma Casley, a humble yet resourceful seamstress, has always dreamt of a life beyond her means. Keeping her true identity hidden, she manages to become the governess to the Duke of Hertshire’s orphaned nephew and that is when her world changes forever. As she helps the young boy blossom, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to his brooding uncle, Rif. Their playful banter and shared moments ignite a sizzling connection, but Gemma knows she must protect her secret to keep her place in their lives.

Can her blooming love bridge the gap between their worlds?

Duke Cole Rifton bears the weight of his new title and the grief of losing his brother. With a nephew to raise and an inheritance to guard, he hires Gemma for help, a young woman whose warmth and intelligence breathe new life into his home and heart. Yet, the arrival of Marie, a mysterious woman with links to his somber past, sends him spiraling back into grief and obsession. As whispers of a cursed jewel and Marie’s ominous revelations shake his world, Rif must confront the secrets of his family’s past.

Torn between duty and desire, Rif’s quest to uncover the truth could cost him the one person who has brought hope back into his life…

Together, Gemma and Rif face their greatest challenge as Marie’s sinister intentions come to light. With Benjamin’s safety and their burning love at stake, they must trust each other to overcome deceit and danger. Soon, Gemma and Rif will discover that the true treasure lies in the unwavering bond they share and the family they are destined to become. Can they overcome the trials and secure a passionate future together, or will the ghosts of their pasts tear them apart?

“A Governess for the Gloomy Duke” is a historical romance novel of approximately 60,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.

Get your copy from Amazon!


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One thought on “A Governess for the Gloomy Duke (Preview)”

  1. Hello there, my dearest readers! I hope you enjoyed this little treat and you are eager to read the rest! I will be waiting for your comments here. Thank you so much! 🔥♥️

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