Grab my new series, "Scandalous Regency Affairs", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
The dowager duchess took tea at Simon’s, one of the most prestigious tearooms in London. Eleanor had come to town for the season and rented a home, considering that she lived in the country for most of the year. The tearoom was rather stuffy, what with all the rich and important women in the room. But this did not stop the dowager from sharing her good fortune.
“Not only one heir, but two!” the dowager exclaimed. “The heir and the spare, as they say. Oh, they’ll go on to be strapping young men, I assure you.”
“And you don’t think that they’ll compete?” Lady Astor asked, lifting her brow.
“Well, of course they’ll compete, but that’s what young men do. Whichever is stronger and more fit will inherit the Ellis name. There’s nothing like a little good competition.”
“These are your grandchildren,” Lady Astor reminded her. “It’s not bear bating.”
“Ha! I didn’t say that it was bear bating of any kind. They’ll merely learn and grow together.”
Despite her smile, Eleanor considered that she didn’t care for Lady Astor one bit. What a terrible sentiment she’d just expressed. It was good that her son had two boys, who might be pitted against one another for their betterment.
The table fell silent, and Eleanor gazed from face to face. There was Lady Astor, Lady Mountbatten, Lady Sheffield, and Lady Rose. There was one seat missing at the table, and Eleanor had to wonder who was absent. When the Countess of Carthope arrived, it became all too clear.
“Good afternoon, ladies,” Lady Carthope said affably, but the dowager remained mum. She never wished to see a Carthope ever again in her life, and now the worst one of them all was about to be seated for tea.
When Frederica eyed Eleanor, she seemed equally shocked and displeased. “Good afternoon,” Eleanor muttered.
“I’m rather surprised to see you here, my lady. I thought that you fled to the country.”
“I didn’t flee anywhere. I wished to escape London and all of its trappings.”
“And what has brought you back now?”
Eleanor didn’t like this line of questioning. Frederica was toying with her; that much was plain. “I’m here to see old friends, merely.”
“That sounds most agreeable,” Frederica replied, watching as tea was set before her. “I’ve heard of your son’s good fortune.”
“Yes, two healthy boys. I can’t be more happy.”
“And how is Eliza’s health?” Frederica asked flatly.
“In capital condition. Strong women bear strong sons.”
“Indeed.” Frederica sipped her tea.
Eleanor inhaled sharply. The rest of the guests at the table must have sensed that there was trouble afoot, for everyone fell silent as they ate their sandwiches and cakes. Wishing to dispense this mood, Eleanor asked, “And how are your daughters getting on? I’ve heard nothing about them.”
Frederica bristled. “My daughters are in fine form. I have no doubt that they’ll both find husbands this season.”
Eleanor shook her head. “So dreadful that they were not able to find husbands last season. But then again, one can never predict these things.”
“No, I suppose that one can’t.”
Eleanor cleared her throat. Frederica visibly stiffened at her question, but Eleanor got much satisfaction from knowing that the Newport girls weren’t wed whilst her son had a successful marriage and two children to boot.
Oh, it was so marvellous that Eliza became with child so early in the marriage. By Eleanor’s estimation, it must have been within the first month or less. Finally, her son did something that pleased her immensely, for Eleanor was overjoyed to be a grandmama.
“Tell me,” Frederica went on. “Is it true that you’re not allowed to see your son?”
At this, Lady Astor nearly spit out her tea.
Eleanor kept her bearing erect. “That’s not true in the slightest.”
“Oh? Is it just a nasty rumour?”
“That it is. Why… I was just at my son’s estate seeing the little ones. All is quite congenial, I assure you.”
It was something of a fib. Eleanor was only allowed to come to the estate when she was invited. And even then, she couldn’t stay long. Eleanor just assumed this to be temporary. Once the children were born, she anticipated that she’d be returning to the estate quite often, whether they liked it or no.
“Such a shame when parents become estranged by their children,” Frederica went on. “My girls and I are so remarkably close.”
“Yes, and were you and Eliza close?” Eleanor made a direct challenge.
“I fear that Eliza and I… could not seem to agree upon things.”
“Now that she’s married to the Duke of Ellis, perhaps you’ll see things in a new light,” Eleanor suggested.
Lady Sheffield offered, “Perhaps we can speak of other affairs. This conversation has grown tiresome.”
Both Eleanor and Frederica frowned. Yes, perhaps they were carrying on too pointedly, but whose horrible idea was it to invite the Countess of Carthope? Eleanor tossed this all off and tried to enjoy her tea, even though it had grown cold. Much like the atmosphere of their table.
“The gowns are getting thinner and thinner!” Lady Mountbatten bemoaned. “I fear that when my daughter attends a ball, there shall be nothing left to the imagination.”
“I fear that it’s getting worse and worse,” Lady Rose went on. “These days, girls can be so shameless. In my day, everything was tastefully done.”
Whilst this conversation continued, Eleanor began to like London less and less. She only chose to return so that she could share her triumph, but now she was beginning to see why it was that her son fled to the country. All of this gossip was no longer of importance to Eleanor. All the misgivings of the past were in the past! The dowager was far too noble to be in the company of such chatter.
She resolved herself to leave at once and return to her son’s estate. Yes, she got right up from that table and fled the tearoom without saying so much as an adieu.
Eliza nestled her two baby boys on her lap, Dinah seated by her side. “There’s so much to be joyful for!” Dinah exclaimed.
“Yes, after falling in love with my husband, I thought that I’d never love another creature so strongly. Harry and Miles have proved me wrong.” She gazed down into their cherubic little faces and smiled.
“The duke must be overjoyed.”
“Oh, but he is. All that he can talk of is the day when he can take them hunting and fishing and all manner of things. I told him that he must be careful because if one of my sons falls off a horse or into a lake, I’ll be most displeased.” Eliza was being humorous, but it was true that her protective instinct was stronger than ever. She’d run through fire for those boys, as would she for Hugh…
“There’s something that I must express, Eliza. But I admit that I have apprehension in doing so.”
“You must never be apprehensive to tell me anything on your mind,” Eliza remarked.
“Well… Roy and I. We… we’re engaged.” Dinah lifted up her hand to show Eliza her wedding finger.
“Oh, my heavens!” Eliza exclaimed, causing the children to giggle.
“It’s all so sudden, it seems. Once we met at your wedding, there was an instant connection, and then he began courting me, and finally, he got down upon one knee.”
“I knew that he would, Dinah. It was only a matter of time.”
Dinah put out her hand so that Eliza might examine her glittering ring. “It’s so opulent. I don’t know how he affords it.”
“Believe me when I say that Roy has a sizable income. He and Hugh do business together.”
“I never thought that I’d be this happy. But here I am!”
Eliza was grinning from ear to ear. She wished to express to Dinah that the happiness only grows with time, but instead, she kept silent. These were all things that Dinah would have to experience for herself. Oh, it was remarkable to think of what good fortune abounded.
The next thing that she knew, Hugh and Roy entered into the parlour, causing Dinah to stand. “Good afternoon,” Dinah said.
How marvellous to see that glitter in Dinah’s eye that only came from being in love. For gazing at Roy, Dinah looked as though she might burst with happiness.
“Good afternoon, my love,” Roy replied, going to his fiancé and taking her hand.
Hugh said, “So, my wife, I trust that you’ve heard of the good news.”
“That I have. I could not feel more joyful!”
Hugh came over and kissed his wife upon the forehead. Then he leaned down and took both sons into his arms, with very little effort. Harry and Miles giggled in their father’s arms, and there was a contented smile upon Hugh’s lips. Eliza could see the keen admiration and fondness that he had for his sons. It made her most happy, indeed.
“Only the most beautiful woman in the world could give me such marvellous children,” Hugh remarked.
“They shall be as handsome as you, I fear.”
“And why do you fear that?” Hugh asked as he bounced his boys around.
“For one day, they’ll need to find wives, and all of London shall go crazy for them.”
Hugh smiled in satisfaction. “We’ll keep them on the straight and narrow. Come, shall we go in for tea and celebrate Roy and Dinah’s coming nuptials?”
“A splendid idea,” Roy said.
Once they were situated in the tearoom—and the babes were in the care of their governess—Eliza was able to bask in her happiness for Dinah. Never had she seen her friend so radiant. It was just how she wished for everything to be. With any luck, Dinah and Roy would have children that might be raised with Harry and Miles.
“We’re moving to the country,” Roy said. “I’m tired of going back and forth to town.”
“Shall you miss London, Dinah?” Eliza asked.
“Not in the slightest. I’m so tired of it all. And what’s more, I don’t know that my parents entirely approve of my marriage.”
“Don’t pay it another thought,” Eliza said. “Only your happiness matters. They’ll come to see that in good time.”
“I hope so. But even if they never approve, I could not be happier with this man by my side.” Dinah gazed at Roy, and he placed a kiss upon her cheek.
The tea was a great success. Eliza enjoyed the bit of quiet time but quickly came to miss her sons and anticipated joining them in the nursery shortly.
“I shall steal away soon,” Eliza whispered to Hugh.
“It’s the one thing about having sons that I have a distaste for. They usurp your attention.”
“They’re our sons. Of course, they do.”
“Don’t forget who you had them with,” Hugh said mischievously. “That fellow may try to accomplish the same task again.”
Eliza’s voice became hushed. “I might be amenable to that.”
Sure enough, the tea concluded, and Dinah and Roy departed back to town to make preparations. Hugh kissed his wife passionately before she made her way to the nursery. Once inside, she discovered her boys in the governess’ lap whilst she read them a story.
“How are they getting on?” Eliza asked.
“They’re as happy as can be.”
Eliza spent the better part of the late afternoon in the nursery, watching as the sun began to set outside the window. Could there be any more contentment? She had to wonder, for Eliza felt that there was nothing more in the world that she wanted. Everything that she ever dreamed of was under her roof, and there was no indication that that was ever going to change.
It was after supper that Eliza greeted Hugh in his study. He came around his desk and took her into his arms, holding onto her tightly as he kissed her neck, then her chin, and finally, brought his lips to hers.
“Let us retire early,” he said breathlessly.
“I think that that’s a very good idea.”
Just as the moment turned heated, the butler came to the door and announced, “Her Grace, the Dowager Duchess of Ellis.”
“Oh god,” Hugh muttered.
The dowager entered, her head held high, and said, “My son, I couldn’t bear to stay away.”
“I thought that you went to London for the season.”
“It all became so trying so quickly! And I wished to see my grandsons. Where are they.”
“They are asleep,” Eliza offered.
The dowager frowned. “Well then, I suppose that I’ll just stay the night so that I might see them first thing in the morning.”
Hugh stepped in. “You know of our agreement, mother.”
“But I hate our agreement.”
“It matters not. I have said my piece.”
Eliza’s heart sank. Although the dowager had been treacherous towards her, and her husband was merely trying to protect her, she still felt the need to intervene. “Hugh, allow her to stay this one time. There’s no need for her grace to make the journey at this hour.”
“She made the journey from London,” he said through his teeth.
“Now, I see that Eliza is the voice of reason!” the dowager exclaimed. “Allow me to stay this once, my son. I’ll breakfast with the boys in the morning and then be on my way.”
Hugh paused. He turned towards Eliza, looking for reassurance, and she nodded her head. “Very well, mother. Just this one time.”
The dowager clapped her hands together. “Most good. I’ll go and secure myself a room!”
With that, the dowager left the study, and Hugh turned back to Eliza. “We needn’t put ourselves through this,” Hugh said.
Eliza grasped his arm. “It shan’t be any trouble. We’ll go to bed and deal with your mother in the morning, then she’ll be gone.”
“She’s trying to weasel her way back into our lives.”
“I trust your discretion, in all things,” Eliza imparting, expressing that whatever choice he made on the matter, she would comply with.
“You respect me.”
“I do. Deeply.”
Hugh stepped in close. “But can you respect me after what I do to you this evening?”
Eliza couldn’t help but laugh. She placed a loving hand upon his chest. “I suppose we shall see,” Eliza teased.
They kissed yet again, and all at once, the dowager’s presence meant nothing, for, in her husband’s arms, all of that seemed to melt away. He could protect her from anything and everything, and because of that, she did not fear. The entire troupe of Newport ladies could be under their roof, and Eliza would still have no cause for fear.
“Come with me to bed,” Hugh said, his voice serious.
“Let me check on the boys first.”
“They are with their governess. All is well.”
“It really pains you, doesn’t it? To see the attention I give them.”
“Of course not. They’re my sons,” Hugh imparted. “I merely require as much of your attention as you’re willing to give.”
“You have it. Always and forever.”
Just then, as though Hugh could not contain himself, he gently brought Eliza to the desk so that she was seated upon it. Her knees spread, Hugh came between them and continued with the business from earlier. He kissed her collarbone, then her neck, and finally her chin. Eliza threw back her head in rapture, relishing in this intimacy that she and her husband shared so frequently.
It was just when Hugh brought a hand below Eliza’s skirt, gently lifting it up, that there was a knock at the door once more.
“Hugh!” the dowager called out.
“Bloody hell,” Hugh muttered, pulling a hand through his hair.
“It’s all right,” Eliza assured him.
“It’s not all right.”
The dowager burst through the door, and Hugh stepped away. Eliza straightened her skirt, and the dowager seemed to all at once understand what she’d stepped into. “I apologize,” she said. “I can see that you were about to make me more grandchildren.”
“What do you want, mother?”
“I was just thinking… wouldn’t it be marvellous if I were to stay on for, say, a week or so? It gets dreadfully lonely in my cottage, and I want to spend as much time with the boys as I can.”
“But, son! You have not even considered it.”
Hugh’s frustration was visible, and Eliza wished that she could do something to intervene, but seeing as he was the master of the house and the dowager was his mother, Eliza was willing to let it go.
“Can I speak openly?” Hugh asked, no doubt referring to Eliza’s presence.
“I wish that you would,” the dowager replied.
“What you did to my wife still lingers in my mind. What you put the love of my life through… I cannot stand by and allow you to sneak back into our lives after all of that.”
The dowager froze, and Eliza could see tears in her eyes. “I have said that I apologize. Why can’t you forgive me?”
“Because you did the unforgivable. The only healing that I know from that ordeal is keeping you at arm’s length. I beg of you to understand that.”
Eliza’s breath caught in her chest. That familiar guilt sprung up, the guilt that led her to believe that all of this was somehow her fault. But Eliza tossed all of this aside. What the dowager did was very cruel, and there was no reason to forgive her, although, in Eliza’s heart, she tried to do so.
What’s more, she was so utterly happy with her life that there was no reason to hold a grudge.
“Know that you hurt me, your grace,” Eliza said to the dowager. “But I forgive you. I harbour no ill thoughts.”
“That’s most kind of you, Eliza,” the dowager replied.
Eliza got up and grasped her husband’s strong arm. She gazed into his eyes. “It is not from kindness. It’s from happiness. I have found my safe harbour.”
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Grab my new series, "Scandalous Regency Affairs", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Hello there, my dearest readers! I hope you enjoyed the book and the Extended Epilogue! I will be waiting for your comments here. Thank you 😊
I enjoyed the extended epilogue so much. Eliza and Hugh were delightful characters. I’m glad they finally got to be together. A great story!
I am so glad you enjoyed the story my dear Kate! Thank you so much for your support! Make sure to stay tuned as I have more coming soon!
Excellent & very enjoyable
Thank you so much dear Michael! I really appreciate it! I am so glad you enjoyed the book! Make sure to satay tuned because I have more coming!
This story was so good I couldn’t put it down I read it straight from the beginning and enjoyed it very much.
Thank you so much for your kind comment and support dear Mandy. I truly appreciate it!
So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Absolutely fell in love with this story! Great job can’t wait to read more!
Thank you!
I really enjoyed the story
So glad to hear that my dear Jackie! Thank you so much for your feedback! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
This is another extremely entertaining story that had me enthralled from start to finish. The tumultuous journey that Eliza and Hugh had to negotiate before acquiring their happy ever after, was quite trying at times. The extended epilogue has given us a delightful glimpse into their later lives, as well as the on going mistrust between Hugh and his mother. Another brilliant piece of work.
Thank you so much, my dear Stephen! I’m really grateful for your support and kind feedback! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Loved this story,one of the best books Lucy Langton has ever wrote!!!☺️☺️💓
I’m humbled, my dear Janet! Thank you so much for your embracing and supportive words! I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed my story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Women have waists not wastes. One up a ship was coined by Stephen Potter in the 20th century .Babies have nannies not governesses. A good and most enjoyable story.
Thank you so much for your comment my dear Beeba! I will make sure to contact my editor about this! I am so glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
A great story, I enjoyed the suspension in the story.
I am so glad you enjoyed the story my dear Shuvai! Thank you so much for your feedback, I really appreciate it! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
A very good and enjoyable story
Thank you so much my dear Gwen. I truly appreciate it!
Like everyone else, I enjoyed reading Hugh and Elizabeth story. The suspense and all that they went through made it a marvelous story. I loved it from the beginning to the end. The extended epilogue pulled everything together. A wonderful read.
I’m humbled, my dear Linda! I’m really grateful for your support and kind feedback! I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed my story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
This is one of the most interesting regency books because of the storyline. I read it straight through and liked the twists toward the end. Great read.
I’m humbled, my dear Brenda! I’m really grateful for your support and kind feedback! I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Loved the story of Eliza and Hugh. Loved does.conquer all. Great plot, I wanted to strangle some of the people.
Thank you so much my dear Toni! I truly appreciate it! So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Have a lovely day!
This story was captivating. It kept your interest til the extended epilogue.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support my dear Liz. I truly appreciate it! So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Enjoyed reading Eliza’s and Hugh’s story. Read it in one sitting. The plot took an unexpected twist with the involvement of Hugh’s mother along with Latica; however, I’m glad Eliza and Hugh got their HEA in the end. Also glad that their best friends, Roy and Dinah, are headed to their HEA. Enjoyed the Extended Epilogue; however, I thought there was too much emphasis on Hugh’s mother. Would definitely refer this book to my friends.
Thank you so much for your detailed, honest and kind feedback my dear Dorothy! I truly appreciate it!
So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Have a lovely day!
Loved reading every word of this story. I felt sorry for Eliza after all her cousins out her through and all out of jealousy because she was more beautiful and had a Father that loved her. I’m glad she and Ellis had their happy ending. Dinah was a true friend who found unhappiness with Eliss best friend. The extended epilouge completed The story well.
Loved reading every word of this story. I felt sorry for Eliza after all her cousins out her through and all out of jealousy because she was more beautiful and had a Father that loved her. I’m glad she and Ellis had their happy ending. Dinah was a true friend who found happiness with Eliss best friend. The extended epilouge completed The story well.
I’m humbled, my dear Nora!
I’m really grateful for your support and kind feedback!
I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
An intriguing, enchanting, poignant Romance that is an excellent, exciting read. Sure to please readers who will want to recommend it to friends. Enjoyed it immensely. The extended epilogue, icing on the cake.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support my dear Greer. I truly appreciate it!
So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Enjoyed reading this book. Enjoyed watching how Eliza and Ellis fell in love, and after al the trials and tribulations they went through, finally found true happiness. Great characters, Dinah, Roy, Mr. Baxter and of course the horrible aunt and cousins. The Extended Epilogue was great putting the pieces together and seeing Roy and Dinah finding each other and also the addition of the twins!
I’m humbled, my dear Ann! I’m really grateful for your support and kind feedback! I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Really enjoyed the book. I’m glad they found their HEA in spite of the machinations of her aunt, cousins and Doweger Duchess. Dinah and Roy’s story would also be excellent to read. Best of luck on your future creative endeavors. I’m looking forward to reading more of your books.
Thank you so much for the kinds and embracing words my dear Norma! I really appreciate it! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
What a great storyline. Loved every minute of reading this very different love story. You really outdid yourself this time Lucy..
I’m humbled, my dear Jo! I’m really grateful for your support and kind feedback! I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed my story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
I agree with the above comments great story telling.
Thank you my dear Shirley! I am so glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming soon!
The book was good but ask your editor to have a check for English spelling. It apps a good read when you have to work out the meaning.
Thank you so much for your feedback my dear Pat! You are absolutely right! I will make sure to check that with my editor! Have a great day!
Enjoyed the entire book up until the extended epilogue where Hugh took God’s name in vain.
Thank you so much my dear Ramona. I truly appreciate it!
So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Very enjoyable read it straight through. Highly recommend
So glad you enjoyed the story dear Pamela! Thank you so much for your lovely comment!
Lovely story, I had to read it to the end once I started. The only thing I noticed is that in chapter 2 you kept writing WASTE when you meant WAIST. Maybe you can fix it before you release it. Otherwise it was great. I really felt for Eliza and Hugh with everyone causing problems. Nice to see everything sorted out for a happy ending. The opilogue was also lovely.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support dear Madhu. I truly appreciate it!
So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Best book I’ve read lately it made such a change from the usual ones the extended part was really good instead of the same old things
I’m humbled dear Elsie! Thank you so much for your wonderful comment!
So glad you enjoyed the story!
Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Love, live the book.. So wicked and in the end the best outcome. Tank you.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support dear Shirley! So glad you enjoyed the story!
Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
A great story! The characters are all so well portrayed and I really enjoyed the battle between goodies and baddies.
Thank you so much dear Maggie!